I. Introduction
A. Literature Overview
1. Impact of Legal Representation
2. Impact of Previous Experience
B. Key Characteristics of Proceedings before the Federal Supreme Court
C. Research Questions
II. Data and Methods
A. Key Variables
1. Representation and Party Type
2. Outcomes
3. Cost Rulings
B. Odds Ratio
III. Results
A. Outcomes
1. Detailed Case Outcomes
2. Proceeding Types
a. Overview
b. Constitutional Complaints
c. Revision
d. Summary
3. Party Types
a. Outcomes Across Party Types
b. Representation Across Party Types
c. Lawyers as Equalizers
4. Summary
B. Costs
1. Differences Between Outcomes
2. Influence of Representation on Costs
3. Summary
IV. Discussion
A. Limitations
1. Methods and Data
2. Selection Effects
a. Case-related Effects
b. Party- and Lawyer-related Effects
3. Judge-related Effects
B. Policy Implications
C. Improving the Subsidiary Constitutional Complaint
V. Conclusion